Thrive During Quarantine

Dear Double Happiness Health Community,

With heavy hearts, we temporarily closed our clinic to in-person patient visits on Saturday, two days before the shelter in place directive was given, because we believed the situation warranted extreme caution. We are committed as ever to make your health and safety a priority. While we will be closed for at least three weeks, we look forward to re-opening as soon as we can with all systems in place to provide excellent acupuncture, herbal and massage care while keeping you safe from COVID-19. 

If the projected stats are right, many of us may get sick, and there will  be challenges to our health care systems. The greatest percentage of us will only get a mild version of the virus with manageable symptoms. Supportive care at home will be appropriate in these cases. We'd like to support our patients during this time with free 15-minute consultations with nutritional, herbal and self care advice. Book online with your practitioner here. 

Access our Online Supplement Dispensary for much of what we carry in the clinic, including our suggested immune supplements. For tailored herbal formula's, email us or schedule a 15-min virtual consultation and we will do our best to get those shipped to you asap. 

It is important to prioritize sleep and nutrition. Hopefully you have stocked up your pantry, but if needed, here is a shopping list of healthy and delicious foods to consider. Many of our patients have been contending with some serious anxiety. Read about some helpful strategies we recommend here. If you would like to be a part of a virtual support/meditation group with our staff including Dr. Wali, email us at

In the meantime, this is an opportunity for many of us to slow down from our busy, fast, extroverted "yang" oriented lives and experience a more quiet, introspective and slow "yin" state. That can be a challenge, but it will yield benefits that will provide much needed resiliency, immune boosting, creativity and stress relief. Hey, with any luck, you might even get bored!! As it turns out, that's great for your brain.

We so appreciate each of you in our community. The immense support we get from you allows us to exist and do work we love. Thank you for your understanding and patience. Most of all, we wish for you and your loved ones a safe and healthy journey during this trying time. We will get through it together!! 

With Love,
Christine and the DHH Team

2020: Year of the Metal Rat

2020: Year of the Metal Rat

2020 marks not only the beginning of a new decade in the West* but also of a new 12-year cycle in the Chinese lunar calendar.  The rare coincidence of the two calendars (only happens every 60 years) makes this an opportune time for reshuffling the current order of things, and not just on a societal level.  The coming year and, indeed, decade will be a potent time for making personal changes regarding your health and in pursuit of your life goals.

Practitioner Highlight: Dr. Janice Mao L.Ac. DACM

Janice Mao is a truly gifted acupuncturist- we are lucky to have her on our team at Double Happiness Health. She represents the 3rd generation of Chinese Medicine Doctors in her family, raised in a traditional household where acupuncture, herbs and foods were routinely used as therapy for common ailments. 

Janice has memories of observing her grandmother, who was a revered acupuncturist in New Mexico, working with patients. Seeing the impact she had on changing peoples lives gave Janice a deep respect for the medicine. Janice had a first career as a fashion and textile designer for 12 years, but she always knew she would eventually become a doctor of Chinese Medicine. She returned to school and graduated with a masters from ACTCM in 2016 and then earned a doctorate in Traditional Chinese medicine. Janice has a real love for herbal medicine and tailoring formulas for the individual. One of her favorite things about practicing Chinese Medicine is the relationships she forms with patients and making a positive difference in their lives.

The mother of a toddler, she is particularly attuned to women’s health. Janice is an expert at treating women struggling with menstrual disorders, fertility, peri-menopause and post menopause. She also has a passion for solving digestive disorders, emotional health and pain. You can find her blog posts on our site to read more about her perspective on health. Our patients love her bedside manner, gentle acupuncture style, effective herbal prescriptions- and she’s got the best laugh!

You can find Janice Mao at Double Happiness Health Tuesday and Thursday mornings 7am-12 noon.