
Eggs are a powerhouse of nutrition. Chinese Medicine views eggs as containing jing, or reproductive essence that improves vitality and enhances fertility. They are packed with high quality protein, fat, iron vitamins, minerals , choline and carotenoids. Besides those nutrition creds, the egg is an immune boosting ninja with disease-fighting nutrients like lutein and zeaxanthin.

For 50 years we were told not to eat eggs because they clog our arteries. That research was actually funded by the dairy industry which was anti-egg. So how many eggs are safe to eat in a week, anyway? The current, exhaustive research is in and shows NO relationship between the amount of cholesterol we eat and the risk of heart disease. In 2016, the U.S. finally removed any restriction of dietary cholesterol from its nutritional guidelines. So eat your eggs- yolks too!

Actually, high insulin from dysregulated blood sugar plays a greater role in the dangerous plaque deposits on arterial walls. known as atherosclerosis. There are also genetic factors that can cause high cholesterol, so if you are worried about possible cardiovascular risk, ask your doctor for a coronal artery scan to look at the vessels for plaque.

So now that you’ve got the green light to eat eggs- here is how to cook the perfect, moist, creamy-but-firm medium-boiled egg.

  • Place eggs in a saucepan and cover with cool water by an inch or so.

  • Turn on the heat and when the water has reached a brisk simmer,

  • Turn off the heat, cover with a lid and start timer for 4 minutes.

  • Prepare a bowl with water and ice large enough to contain the eggs.

  • Once the timer has gone off, use a slotted spoon to immediately transfer the eggs into the ice bath.

  • Let the eggs sit there at least ten minutes to arrest the cooking process and produce the perfect medium boiled egg!

Peel and they are ready to go. I like to eat mine sliced in half with a side of avocado and sprinkled with crunchy Maldon sea salt. How do you like to eat eggs?
