A Love Letter to the Body

Happy Valentine’s Day, friends.

I hope you’ve been struck by Cupid’s arrow and inspired to reflect on all the people, places and things you most adore. One thing at the top of my list this year is The Human Body (in all its messy + mysterious glory). I’m humbled every day by the opportunity to work with and learn from this fascinating vessel of flesh and bones. In an effort to share my enthusiasm, I thought I’d highlight some facts about the body that I find most unbelievably awe-inspiring. Consider this list a kind of love letter to the living/breathing landscape we all call home.

For those of you struggling to see your body as a “fascinating and awe-inspiring vessel,” I get it. Our bodies are vulnerable to trauma, pain, dis-ease and aging which, at times, makes it horribly challenging to reside in them. But they are also strong and resilient teachers encouraging us to live with more embodied presence, compassion and grace.

Check this out:

  • Your body makes 25 million new cells every second.

  • Your brain contains 86 billion nerve cells connected by 100 trillion synapses which is more than the number of stars in the Milky Way.

  • Each day, your heart beats approximately 100,000 times and your blood circulates approximately 12,000 miles (that’s four times the distance across the United States from coast to coast).

  • Your lungs take about 20,040 breaths each day, or 672,768,000 breaths in a lifetime.

  • Your kidneys filter 475 gallons of blood every day.

  • The largest bone in your body (your femur, or thigh bone) can support 30 times your weight. Ounce for ounce, that’s stronger than steel.

Incredible, right? For so many of us it can feel nearly impossible to slow down, breathe and trust the body’s own innate wisdom and strength. If this is difficult for you, see if you can find just one moment each day to get curious about what your body might be gifting you just then. Maybe it’s the taste of a delicious meal, the sight of a loved one or the sound of birdsong. The possibilities are endless and may even inspire you to write your own love letter.