Year of the Fire Monkey

Happy New Year, friends! We are shifting into a very new kind of energy- from watery yin into fire-y yang. This means we can each go from a quiet cultivation of our energy into to more active forms of expression.  Enjoy your playful side, and aim to realize your dreams!  As always, we are in a dynamic balance. Be sure to take good care of yourself as you venture forth! tells us what to expect:

"On February 8, 2016 we will shift out of the year of the nurturing Yin Wood Sheep and into the year of the passionate Yang Fire Monkey.

As the name suggests, the year of the Yang Fire Monkey is all about having fun, taking risks, being proactive and going after what you truly desire.

Yang energy is action based energy, so 2016 will really favour making bold decisions, getting ahead and staying assertive."

We can't wait to hear what you are up to and how we can support your wellness. Hope to see you soon at Double Happiness Health. 


Try This: Braised Eggs with Lamb, Tahini & Sumac

While looking for a unique meal to serve friends for the holiday I came across a fabulous, hearty dish from the cookbook Jerusalem: A Cookbook by Yotam Ottolenhi and Sami Tamimi. I figure there really wasn't a better cuisine for celebrating Jesus's birthday. Braised Eggs with Lamb, Tahini & Sumac is a riot of colors, flavors and textures. The meal is perfect for winter as the lamb is warming and nourishes blood while the pine nuts and yogurt benefit yin. The authors include many variations so it's easy to avoid possible food sensitivities and improvise with what you have in the kitchen. Perfect to satisfy a crowd! Jerusalem: A Cookbook is filled with other recipes I absolutely love. Highly recommended. And the cookbook makes a great present for yourself or a friend. Enjoy!



yield: 4 SERVINGS


prep time: 10 MINUTES

cook time: 30 MINUTES



  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 large onion, finely chopped (1¼ cups/200 grams total)
  • 6 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
  • 10 ounces/300 grams ground lamb (ask your butcher for two-thirds shoulder and one-third belly)
  • 2 teaspoons sumac, plus extra to garnish
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • Scant ½ cup/50 grams toasted, unsalted pistachios, coarsely chopped
  • 7 tablespoons/50 grams toasted pine nuts
  • 2 teaspoons harissa paste
  • 1 tablespoon finely chopped preserved lemon peel
  • 1 1/3 cups/200 grams cherry tomatoes
  • ½ cup/120 milliliters chicken stock
  • 4 large free-range eggs
  • ¼ cup/5 grams cilantro leaves or 1 tablespoon Zhoug
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper


  • Scant ½ cup/100 grams Greek yogurt
  • 1 ½ tablespoons/25 grams tahini paste
  • 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon water


  1. Heat the olive oil over medium-high heat in a medium, heavy-bottomed frying pan for which you have a tight-fitting lid. Add the onion and garlic and sauté for 6 minutes to soften and color a bit. Raise the heat to high, add the lamb, and brown well, 5 to 6 minutes. Season with the sumac, cumin, ¾ teaspoon salt, and some black pepper and cook for another minute. Turn off the heat, stir in the nuts, harissa, and preserved lemon and set aside.
  2. While the onion is cooking, heat a separate small cast-iron or other heavy pan over high heat. Once piping hot, add the cherry tomatoes and char for 4 to 6 minutes, tossing them in the pan occasionally, until slightly blackened on the outside. Set aside.
  3. Prepare the yogurt sauce by whisking together all the ingredients with a pinch of salt. It needs to be thick and rich, but you may need to add a splash of water if it is stiff.
  4. You can leave the meat, tomatoes, and sauce at this stage for up to an hour. When you are ready to serve, reheat the meat, add the chicken stock, and bring to a boil. Make 4 small wells in the mix and break an egg into each well. Cover the pan and cook the eggs over low heat for 3 minutes. Place the tomatoes on top, avoiding the yolks, cover again, and cook for 5 minutes, until the egg whites are cooked but the yolks are still runny.
  5. Remove from the heat and dot with dollops of the yogurt sauce, sprinkle with sumac, and finish with the cilantro. Serve at once.

recipe from from Jerusalem: A Cookbook.


Maitri: Radiate Loving Kindness This Holiday

Hello Friends,

Wishing you and your loved ones a wonderful, safe and happy holiday! While some of us enjoy being surrounded by family and friends, for others the holidays can be really hard. They may remind us of loved ones we have lost or highlight health or relationship issues that are quite challenging.  For many we fall short of where we think we should be or get caught in judging those annoying people around us. 

"Maitri" is a sanskrit word meaning "unconditional friendliness towards the self which radiates out to others". It is amazing how good it feels to connect with love and compassion for ourselves and others. Here are instructions for a simple Maitri practice. Let's choose to be gentle and kind with ourselves. We can all benefit by remembering the basics of eating well, prioritizing sleep and getting a little movement to keep our healthy balance. 

Happy New Year, sugar! We cannot wait to see you in 2016 to work with you on being more kind to yourself and on optimizing your health.

Much Love,

Christine, Carissa, Rachel, Mia, Paulene, Emily, Amanda and Elizabeth

Winter Solstice 2015

Happy Winter Solstice!! Winter Solstice marks the longest night and shortest day of the year. Chinese Taoist philosophy would describe this moment as utmost Yin. The sun arcs low in the sky, and it's cold, wet and dark. This is the exact pivot at which yin begins to turn to Yang. After today the days will begin to lengthen; in time the earth will warm and winter will yield to spring.

Cultures all over the world have imbued meaning to this natural event of the darkest, longest night. Usually the solstice represents rebirth, involving holidays, festivals of light and celebrations-  with Hanukkah or Christmas among the traditions. From the perspective of health care, the force of growing Yang within each of us represents our recovery potential from illness. A saying in Chinese medicine is "take a tonic in the winter, kill a tiger in the spring". To optimize your immune system and boost your Yang, nourish yourself with an herbal tonic, eat warm foods such as this immune-boosting soup  and log plenty of hours sleeping. It is also a natural time to come out of hibernation for a minute to celebrate with community. Light the darkest night with the love all around you. 


THANKSgiving 2015

It is hard to believe that we moved into our new digs ONE YEAR AGO this Thanksgiving. The move was not one we had wanted. We had to move from our former home of ten years. But move we would, and move we did. Sometimes the universe presents us with tough challenges. With twists and turns that left our tummy's in knots, the transition turned out to be- in the words of beloved bay area artist Susan O'Malley whom the world lost this year, "more beautiful than we could have ever imagined". Against all odds, we have settled into our new home and are better than ever with our DHH dream team

Thank you, dear patients and friends, for supporting us at Double Happiness Health. We feel both utterly humbled and supremely honored to be entrusted with the wonderful work of untangling your health puzzles with you. It is so gratifying to be able to see many of you free from pain, achieving longed for pregnancies or finally sleeping deeply after years of insomnia. It thrills us to know you are digesting with ease, that your eczema is cleared up, that you have a newfound spring in your step. We are filled with joy when you become empowered to help yourself using new healthy lifestyle tools- that is the epitome of "double happiness" to us. We can't imagine another type of work that is more inspiring, intimate, challenging and exciting than the one that we do with you every day. We hope for nothing more than continuing to be of service in optimizing the health of our community. 

Wishing you a warm and love-filled Thanksgiving. May it, and the year ahead, be more beautiful than you could have ever imagined.

~Christine, Rachel, Mia, Carissa, Paulene, Emily, Elizabeth and Amanda

My Favorite Things: Resources for Eating Well, Health News and Inspiration

Sometimes people ask me about my favorite resources for health related news and inspiration. Here are a handful of my latest obsessions; they have made my morning BART ride something I totally look forward to!



TEDTalks Health- The now famous TED format started as a one-off event over 30 years ago with the slogan “ideas worth spreading” in which thought leaders gave powerful talks that were 18 minutes or less. Now over 2000 TED talks later, we have the spin off TEDTalks Health whose fascinating topics range from Maryn McKenna on our antibiotic crisis to Sandra Aamodt on Why Diets Don’t Work.



Hidden Brain – This is my go to  podcast on my morning BART ride. Shankar Vedantam explores the unconscious patterns that drive human behavior using science and storytelling. One of my favorites is about Switchtracking- soon you will notice this conversation pattern everywhere. 

Just for fun: have you heard of Mystery Show? I’m kind of in awe of Starlee Kine and her awesome detective work. I especially love the episode on the belt buckle

Food Blogs

The Kitchn

My abso fav food blog of all, you can filter your searches to find recipes to satisfy any food preferences or cooking style. I found new healthy breakfast ideas like this Miso Soup with Rice and Poached Egg. OMG, so good. You can get quick inspiration and answers as well as access to a series of articles, like 12 essentials When Hosting Thanksgiving For The First Time

Nutrition Stripped

Recipes centered on “stripping away” nutritional confusion. Backed up with a masters degree in nutrition, McKel offers deliciously whole, plant-centric, nutrient-dense yumminess that caters to all kinds of eaters. I especially love her Nourish Bowls

Nom Nom Paleo- How genuine and smart is Michelle Tam? She is a total foodie with serious taste and ninja skills in the kitchen. If you are looking for Paleo-style recipes look no further. Check out her crispy procuitto chips.

Health News Blogs

NPR- The Salt

God, I love NPR. The Salt’s two female editors Maria Godoy and Eliza Barclay bring us food news and science in bite sized pieces with fun and incisive curiosity.  Find out the skinny on Why  A Neurotoxin Is Shutting Down Crab Season In California this season. Nooooo! Or, on a happier note, why drinking coffee may extend your longevity.

Chris Kesser is an acupuncturist/functional medicine guru who disseminates fantastic health information on his popular blog and podcast. His site is a great resource for help with issues from blood sugar issues and adrenal dysfunction to gut health and hypothyroid.  He has free eBooks on the site like this one on Heartburn/GERD

Sonima has the tag line Live Fit Live Free. Sounds good to me! A gorgeous blog with guided meditations like this one with Deepak Chopra, as well as yoga sequences and fitness ideas. I’ve been enjoying some great articles like this one on The Magic of Moderate Exercise.

Wellness Mama- Not a health expert, but she dishes out great recipes for DIY body care, household products and yummy food too. Because we are bombarded by chemicals in our everyday life our products, she is my go-to on how to make my own stuff. Her simple steps make it fun and easy. You can even learn how to make your own Laundry Detergent

Sleep Positioning for Back and Shoulder Pain

Struggle to get comfortable in bed at night?  Here is one of my hot tips for sleep positioning. It keeps the spine aligned as well as taking pressure off of the shoulder and hips. My patients dealing with injury or late stage pregnancy swear this supported sidelying position has changed their life, but it's great for anyone to try. You'll need four pillows. One under the head, one under the ribs, one between knees and an optional "hug" pillow to keep your torso in position and your arms comfy.

The key is to get the torso pillow right up against the bottom shoulder, creating a sort of "groove" for the shoulder to sit in, almost weightlessly. Be sure to get a big enough pillow between the knees so that the hips stack up evenly. Alternatively, you can have one leg stretched out behind you and the top knee on a big pillow. Comfortable sleep positioning is important to promote healing and the deep sleep crucial to our nervous and immune systems. Happy snoozing!



Happy Autumnal Equinox!

Happy Autumnal Equinox!

“At no other time (than autumn) does the earth let itself be inhaled in one smell, the ripe earth; in a smell that is in no way inferior to the smell of the sea, bitter where it borders on taste, and more honeysweet where you feel it touching the first sounds. Containing depth within itself, darkness, something of the grave almost.” 
― Rainer Maria RilkeLetters on Cézanne

Moxibustion for Turning Breech Babies

Most babies are born in a vertex or head down position, allowing for an easier passage out of the uterus and through the pelvis. Babies will typically turn head down between 28-32 weeks.

Breech describes a pregnancy in which the baby is not positioned head down.  Often a breech baby will be bottom down, while others are feet first or transverse. 3-4% of babies are breech at 37 weeks. Often a breech presentation can lead to a C-section. If your baby is breech there are non-invasive techniques to help your baby turn head down.

Acupuncture along with moxibustion is well known for success in turning breech babies. Moxibustion is a warming technique using an herb called mugwort- often compressed into a smokeless stick for ease of use. We have helped scores of women turn breech babies at DHH and want to share with you what you can do for yourself at home.

This protocol is known to encourage the baby to move into - and stay in- the best possible position for birth. It is recommended to do the whole ten-day protocol even if you discover baby is in position when you see your OBGYN or midwife. This will help baby stay in position. One of my patients calls this “smoking her toes” and used it successfully to turn breech babies in both pregnancies after week 36.


Best to use smokeless moxa. It would be deal to have your partner or a friend do the moxibustion for you. The protocol is to moxa the following points bilaterally twenty minutes for ten days.

If you are certain baby has moved into head down position you can reduce the moxa time from twenty to ten minutes per day till the ten days are up.

Make yourself comfortable on a bed or chair and wear loose, comfortable clothing. Light the tips of two moxa sticks until the ends are glowing. Careful not to burn yourself or anything else! The lit moxa sticks are held bilaterally about a thumbs width from UB67 (outer proximal corner of pinky toe nail) until woman feels the skin is comfortably hot, the sticks removed for 2-3 seconds then re-applied. This "pecking" action repeated for 20 minutes.

UB 67 is the point where Urinary Bladder meridian meets the Kidney meridian. Stimulating this point strengthens the Kidney Qi, important for maintaining the fetus in the correct position. Extinguish moxa by stubbing out and keep in a sealed glass jar or use a jar of sand or rice to extinguish. Be sure to have enough moxa sticks to get through the ten days. - 6 sticks should do it.  It is always best to have acupuncture in conjunction with your home moxa protocol if at all possible. Give us a call and we will get you right in for support!


Sleep: Your Superpower

I have often bragged over the years that sleeping was my superpower. As I have gotten a little older, I have a little less swagger in my step when it comes to my sleeping prowess. With hormonal fluctuations, stress surges and a noisier neighborhood, I have had to work at it to make sure I am getting the solid 8 hours that give me the energy and joie de vivre I depend on. With a few tweaks I have gotten my sleep groove back. The National Sleep Foundation says that 30-40% of American adults have reported trouble sleeping in the past 12 months, while 15% report chronic insomnia. Insomnia tends to affect more women than men overall. Its effects are insidious and profound: causing weight gain, brain fog, anxiety and depression, disrupting hormonal balance and impairing our body’s ability to fend off pathogens and to detoxify.

Common treatment for insomnia in the US consists of pharmaceutical drugs that often have side effects, are addictive and worse yet, can stop working when used long term. Fortunately, in a 2009 systematic review of RCT’s, acupuncture was shown to provide safe, effective treatment for insomnia. At DHH we don’t use a one size-fits-all approach to treating insomnia. We will get to the source of the problem and provide a tailored solution that restores balance naturally.  That means when acupuncture alone isn’t enough, we also utilize nutritional strategies and high quality herbal medicine or supplements to help get you snoozing like a champ.

Insomnia is described by traditional Chinese medicine in four categories: difficulty falling asleep, light or restless sleep, early waking and dream disturbed sleep. Yin deficient fire often accounts for the “light sleep” and “early waking” types of insomnia. Qi stagnation from prolonged stress transforms into fire, which flares up and disturbs the mind. This pattern relates to trouble falling asleep easily and may be marked by vivid and distressing dreams. Other patterns exist as well and an experienced DHH acupuncturist can help with a correct diagnosis and customized treatment plan.


Causes of insomnia:

  • Poor sleep environment- inadequate darkness, too much sound or stimulation.

  • Medications that contain stimulants such as: corticosteroids, some antidepressants and heart medications, among others.

  • Medical conditions that are not properly managed for example GERD, chronic pain, and hyperthyroidism.

  • Schedule changes in work or sleep.

  • Excess eating, caffeine or alcohol use.

  • Stress, depression and anxiety.

  • Hormonal: PMS, perimenopause and menopause.

Tips on improving your sleep:

  • Get to bed before 11pm- like diving under a wave, you will get to sleep before liver energy surges and gives you a ”second wind”. Your nervous system will thank you.

  • Keeping a regular sleep schedule- allows your body to set an optimal circadian rhythm, which is critical for the symphony of physiological processes; tissue repair, hormonal balance, metabolism, immunity.

  • Black out- not you, your bedroom windows! And power off those devices at least 30 minutes before bed. The blue light emitted from devices disrupts your body’s production of the hormone melatonin, important for sleep.

  • Eliminate- the issue of excess alcohol or caffeine. If you aren’t sure try, reducing or eliminating those elements. If it’s keeping you awake, it’s not worth it.

  • Stress busting- be sure you are getting enough exercise. 30 minutes of breaking a sweat most days should help a lot. Try to make it fun when you can, such as an urban hike or a personal dance party.

  • Acupuncture- let us give you some care and create a plan to get you bragging that sleep is your superpower!


What is PCOS?

This is the first in a series of blogs about PCOS. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a complex syndrome with varied presentations, so there is much to discuss. It is one of the most common endocrine disorders affecting women. In PCOS, dysregulated blood sugar causes an excess production of testosterone, leading to a disruption of normal ovulation.  The hallmark symptoms are lack of ovulation with irregular or long menstrual cycles, infertility, acne and abnormal hair growth patterns. Although not seen in all patients, there is a link between PCOS and obesity.

A leading cause of infertility in the United States, 5-10% of women are affected by PCOS with less than 50% diagnosed. That means PCOS is responsible for 70% of infertility in women who have difficulty ovulating.  PCOS also increases the risk of metabolic syndrome in women.  The good news is that with nutritional and lifestyle changes, supplementation and acupuncture support, women can greatly reduce the risks associated with PCOS.

Generally, a diagnosis is made when two of the following symptoms are found: excess androgens, menstrual irregularity and polycystic ovaries- where multiple follicles are seen, often looking like a “string of pearls”.  Clinically patients with PCOS can present with at least two types from a western perspective: lean patients with a tendency toward hypoglycemia, and overweight patients that tend toward insulin resistance. The treatment strategy would be different depending on the type. In order to determine if you have PCOS and what type, work with a trained DHH practitioner or your OBGYN to get a serum lab work up and a vaginal ultrasound to help identify and categorize, or rule out PCOS.

Wondering what you can do if you have PCOS? In general, focusing your nutrition on blood sugar stabilization is a perfect place to start. A fantastic resource for nutritional guidance is “The Blood Sugar Solution”, by Mark Hyman, MD. Always begin the day with a protein-based breakfast. Eat something every 3 hours. Dominating your meals with a rainbow of vegetables, healthy fats and proteins, while avoiding refined carbohydrates and sugars is the first step. Increasing your exercise to at least 30 minutes per day of cardio is also very helpful in optimizing blood sugar and hormonal balance. Finally, at DHH we will customize a treatment plan to address your unique health picture. Well-researched supplements are prescribed as needed and evidence-based acupuncture is performed to help get you ovulating regularly again.  Stay tuned for more on the topic of PCOS.




Electroacupuncture For Pain

Electroacupuncture is much like it sounds- a treatment technique in which a tiny electric current is passed to pairs of acupuncture needles.  Why the heck would I want to do that, say you? Well, as it turns out, it’s a safe and highly effective treatment for pain with a long history. Ancient Egyptians actually used electric fish to treat pain in 2000 BCE. Fast-forward to Italian physician Galvani, who discovered the muscle twitch response in dead frog legs back in 1780. You may remember this rather macabre experiment from your high school biology class. The science of neurology further developed in the 1800’s to discover the uses of electric current in muscular contraction. Electro-acupuncture is a fairly modern application in traditional acupuncture-practiced since 1934 and it’s become ever more popular due to its efficacy.

How does it work? A rhythmic, non-painful muscle twitch is produced beneath the needle via a very small milliamp current. This electric stimulation to needles (called PENS, percutaneous electric stimulation) is shown to produce natural painkillers- also known as endogenous opioids; the most well known of which are endorphins. The treatment also elicits perfusion of blood flow locally, carrying with it essential nutrients promoting muscle regeneration. Microamp current is even smaller- often barely perceptible to the patient. This current does not cause muscular contractions; rather it’s been shown in some studies to produce ATP, critical for cellular energy and is also thought to promote tissue healing.

Electroacupuncture helps to break vicious pain cycles, deal with chronic pain disorders and facilitate patients own pain relief mechanism.  As well as the analgesic effect, electro acupuncture stimulates muscle relaxation, normalized muscle length and overall stress reduction. Consider giving it a try next time you are contending with pain. You will be slightly shocked at how well it works!



Optimize your chances of getting pregnant

Most of us spend our youth trying NOT to get pregnant. It’s quite a shock to our cultural conditioning to realize we might not get pregnant as soon as we feel ready, even though many of us have delayed that moment to anchor other important aspects of our lives. Turns out that difficulty conceiving is really common. One in eight couples in the US has trouble getting or staying pregnant. More than nine million American women seek fertility treatment each year and many men need treatment too. In our clinic we see women struggling with fertility every day, both with and without western a diagnosis. Men usually come in when they get the unexpected news that they have a poor sperm analysis. Challenge with fertility can be quite frustrating and emotionally painful. It is possible for the women and men who work at naturally optimizing fertility to end up more grounded and healthier in the process. Best of all, Chinese medicine can give very tangible help to enhance fertility.  Among its research supported benefits, acupuncture can help regulate ovulation, improve blood flow to ovaries, support the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian axis and lower stress hormones. While at Double Happiness Health we carefully evaluate and customize each client’s treatment plan to get the best results, here are five tips on diet and lifestyle changes you can make to start optimizing your chances of conceiving right away and feel better in the process:

  1. Reducing stress might sound cliche these days, but figuring out what works for you personally, and actually creating simple habits that change your stress level on a daily basis really does help couples get pregnant. A 2011 study published in Fertility and Sterility showed women that attended a mind/body program had greatly increased pregnancy rates. Try incorporating one thing: breathing, yoga, meditation or even a walk after work.

  2. Clear inflammation. Inflammation is at the root of many fertility issues; go for an anti-inflammatory diet. The Chinese have it right when they suggest mostly eating deliciously cooked veggies, healthy fats, power packed whole grains and yummy proteins. This basically cuts out wheat, dairy, sugar and processed foods. If you aim for this most of the time, you will absolutely optimize your egg and sperm quality.

  3. Detox. I know you love your morning americano. Me too. But you don’t want to rely upon caffeine for energy. Try to limit coffee to one cup per day unless you are having trouble, then give it a break altogether. Too much caffeine can reduce sperm motility, decrease blood flow to the uterus and possibly cause problems with implantation. A large Kaiser Permanante study in Oakland study showed drinking ½ cup of green tea or even black tea instead produced twice the pregnancy rates than in coffee drinkers. Alcohol is best avoided while trying to conceive.

  4. Timing is everything. If you are having a natural cycle, get to know when ovulation is occurring for you by using an over-the-counter ovulation predictor kit, or, better yet, learn your body’s signs of ovulation by tracking your BBT. Once you know when you are ovulating, the key is to have sex a little ahead of time. Sperm generally live for up to 72 hours, but an egg only has a 24-hour window to be fertilized. Try to conceive the day before and day of ovulation.

  5. ReadMaking Babies” by Sami David M.D. and Jill Blakeway L.Ac., my current fav of all the fertility self help books out there, it’s a balanced east/west view and provides truly helpful information for men and women to prepare you for your 3 month “pre-mester” of fertility enhancement.

Getting a clue about your digestion

Was it Ms. Scarlett in the kitchen with a candlestick?

Solving the mystery of our digestive issues can sometimes feel like a game that has gotten very old- a daily cycle of bloating, poor elimination, rashes, fatigue and worse. In fact, food sensitivities and other GI disturbances have been linked to allergies, arthritis, autoimmune disorders, dementia, infertility, insomnia, mood disorders, and migraines.
Our gastrointestinal system is a wondrously complex system that does much more than digest, absorb and eliminate- it’s an independently working nervous system (the enteric nervous system)- replete with neurotransmitters, hormones, chemical messengers, enzymes and a diverse colony of beneficial bacteria. In fact, the gastrointestinal system represents almost 70% of our entire immune system.
Imagine your gut like an overlooked precious natural habitat that your very life depends on, and you’ve got the picture!
Many things can go awry in our gut: inflammation, intestinal permeability, enzyme depletion, microbial imbalance, detoxification dysfunction, motility problems. Each one of these factors can be impacted by food sensitivities.
Determining the source of your digestive issue sometimes requires acting like a detective, carefully noting symptoms and triggers. A great tool for this process is doing an elimination diet. While the idea might be a bit daunting initially, with the right support this tool can become the most profound self-experiment you have ever done. It is inexpensive, fairly simple to do and empowering. Elimination diets are not flawless, but continue to be the gold standard for identifying food sensitivities. Food allergy testing does exist, however it tends to be pricey and not very reliable.

An elimination diet is just like it sounds- a process by which foods are eliminated for a period of three to four weeks for adults and then deliberately re-introduced one at a time to determine if symptoms are observed. Almost anyone with digestion problems can benefit from an elimination diet.
Who should not do an elimination diet? Individuals with respiratory reactions (asthma, chronic pulmonary disease or emphysema). Anyone with a personal or family history of anaphylaxis (a severe whole-body allergic reaction) should not do an elimination diet, as it could be life threatening. People who suspect celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, have anemia or a family history of celiac should be screened for it first, as it is hard to diagnose this autoimmune condition after a long-term elimination.
At Double Happiness Health we tailor elimination diets for the individual, taking into consideration many factors guided by research, clinical experience, patient symptoms and history and what the patient is willing and able to do. One size does not fit all but the more suspected food groups you take out the better, although it is admittedly more challenging. Often it is the foods we eat every day that we have become sensitive to without realizing it. The basic foods to exclude in an elimination diet are gluten, dairy, egg, soy, corn, smoked or processed meats and smoked fish, shellfish, nuts, lentils and most beans, alcohol, coffee, citrus and nightshade vegetables.
Mon Dios, what CAN you eat!? Actually, that leaves enough for a pretty satisfying diet. You should not go hungry- this isn’t meant to be like fasting and there is no need to micromanage your diet except to eliminate the suspected items. Be sure to drink plenty of water- about 60-70 ounces per day. Include fresh meat, fresh fish, brown rice, wild rice, quinoa, most veggies and fruits, adzuki and mung beans, unsweetened rice milk, coconut milk, avocado, seed and seed butters, olive oil and coconut oil. Get our shopping list here.
No one is expecting you to eat like this forever- that wouldn’t be very fun. I liken the process to tossing pebbles into still waters- we can see the ripples, whereas toss a boulder into a choppy lake and you’d hardly notice. This temporary diet allows the gut to become very calm and easier to observe.
After about three weeks of the elimination phase, you begin to re-introduce a single food for a single day. You would not introduce both gluten and dairy on the same day or on subsequent days. Say you reintroduce gluten on a Monday- you can have a slice of toast at breakfast and wheat pasta at dinner. Then you will resume your elimination diet, looking out for reactive symptoms Tuesday and Wednesday. If you have not observed any symptoms, you can try reintroducing another food such as dairy on Thursday. It’s a good idea to keep a food/symptom journal during this time. Symptoms or reactions you might notice: bloating, bowel changes, headaches, brain fog, sinus or respiratory issues, breakouts or rash, fatigue and inflammation or joint pain. If you note symptoms, keep that food out of your diet for the rest of the re-introduction period. The whole process is completed within 5-6 weeks.

It’s not an easy process, but it is very do-able and can be very rewarding. Some tips:
• Planning ahead for your meals is critical to success.
• Prepare by having the foods you will need in advance.
• Toss or hide foods (really well) that might tempt you.
• Cook bigger portions that can last over several meals.
• Try some recipes out before you begin so they are familiar and easy.
• Calendar the elimination diet when you do not have big social events or travel plans.
• Make sure your family and friends know that you are doing it so they can support you.
• Make social plans like going to the movies or a hike so that you don’t feel isolated.

Be sure to seek out some cookbooks and blogs as inspiration, and work with DHH practitioners before and during your process. Acupuncture support helps to balance your qi and optimize the healing of your gastrointestinal and immune system. We can also help guide you regarding tailoring your elimination diet just for you and to create a treatment plan to optimize your health.