Double Happiness Health Protocols for Covid-19

Dear Double Happiness Health Community,

We miss you all so much and are thrilled to announce that after much careful research and preparation we will be reopening June 1st for in-person acupuncture visits. We've implemented the strictest protocols to minimize risk of exposure when you visit. We are eager to get back to the work of healing with acupuncture!
We are very grateful to have been able to support so many of you virtually during this time and our Telehealth services will remain on the menu, as some of you find that works best for your needs. Book online here for the appointment of your choice.



  • Staff will be wearing full PPE including a surgical mask, protective eyewear, gloves, scrubs and lab coats.

  • Patients are required to wear a mask. Any well fitted mask is fine but if it has a vent, an additional cloth or surgical mask must be worn over it. 


  • You will receive a COVID questionnaire and intake form via email 4 hours before your appointment.  

  • If you cannot answer no to all COVID questions, we will ask that you reschedule your appointment.

  • You will also see a short set of intake questions where you can describe your current symptoms, any updates and chief reason/s for your visit. 

  • Tea and water service must be discontinued for now. We ask that you arrive hydrated or bring your own water bottle. 


  • Rather than enter with your door code, please knock and you will be greeted at the entrance.

  • We will give you hand sanitizer, take your temperature with a no touch or disposable thermometer and measure your blood oxygen level with a pulse oximeter that gently clips onto your finger for a few seconds.

  • You will be guided directly to your treatment room to lie down.

  • Please arrive right on time -not early or late- for your appointment as we are working to keep people from crossing paths. The waiting area is closed for now. 


  • Wear loose and comfortable clothing that will not need to be removed. 

  • The treatment table now has soft crepe paper that is single only, rather than linens.

  • Every room has a HEPA filter running at all times to assist with air purification. 

  • You will have filled out a HIPPA compliant intake form with your health concerns for your practitioner to read. While you can talk during the treatment, data suggests that talking, especially loud talking, spreads potentially contagious aerosol further.

  • Please refrain from unnecessary talking and use the time for silent reflection and healing.


  • After every appointment the treatment rooms are thoroughly cleaned with sanitizer that is EPA-registered and hospital grade.

  • We follow contact time protocols for all surfaces and utilize a check list to ensure we never miss a surface.

  • The entire clinic is cleaned on a set schedule daily and high touch surfaces between each patient.

  • HEPA air filters run at all times. 

  • Each treatment room will remain empty for at least one hour between patients. 

  • The clinic has been cleared of decor that cannot be wiped down.

  • Doors have been put on all exposed hallway shelving to protect herb bottles from contamination.


  • We provide contactless transactions. Please have an up to date credit card on file for us to charge as you exit.

  • Your herbs and supplements will be left for you on a shelf by the front door to pick up on your way out.

  • We can help you get rescheduled in the treatment room, online or over the phone. The front desk will be closed during your visit. 


  • We have relaxed our cancellation policy in regards to COVID related symptoms in order to encourage safety.

  • If you have any symptoms of COVID, we ask that you please reschedule 14 days after your symptoms have cleared.

  • If you have had contact with someone with symptoms or who has tested positive, please wait 14 days to come in for treatment. 


  • Anyone that answers yes to any of the screening questions on the COVID questionnaire.

  • For patients over 60 AND suffering from immunocompromised states such as diabetes, lung issues (COPD/asthma) or other chronic medical issues that may require medications like prednisone which affect one's immune system, we suggest that for your health and safety that you consider not visiting the clinic at this time to minimize your risk. 

  • Practitioners will be available for telehealth visits to let you know what you can do at home for self-care and advise which herbs and supplements would be appropriate for you. We can drop ship supplements or direct you on how to order. Please us call to schedule. 


We've put lots of thought and care over the past months in developing and implementing protocols to keep you safe during your visits at Double Happiness Health and we can't wait to see you. Please feel free to reach out with any questions or  concerns to INFO@DOUBLEHAPPINESSHEALTH.COM

With Love and Air Hugs,
Christine and the DHH Team